Why frequent updations on Job portals..!!

I always wondered why it is required to update frequently update profiles and resumes on Job portal.

I did research (experiment as recruiter was one of them) and here is what I got:

When a recruiter performs a search for a specific opening, job portal provides a list of suitable candidate (this of course is a paid information). In order to reach candidate, recruiter needs to click on each resume and then only contact information of candidate is provided. For each click, payment needs to be done to the portal (which mostly is in forms of paid subscription).

If it is a lucky day for recruiter, suitable candidates will be found within 10 searches. But that is not the case always and being a paid information, recruiter always have to find right candidates with much less searches. In order to achieve it, candidates with most recently updates profiles are preferred (luckily this information is available with search results and no need to click on profile).

Using this, Recruiter tries to minimize profile clicks and save search costs. If you are looking for a switch, make sure you update your profile at 3 days interval. This will ensure that you are looking for new job opportunity and a potential recruiter will definitely contact you.

Wish you a good luck for new job.